RSNTTD is a non-profit public organization, which unites NDT and TD specialists, who represent the leading domestic and academic institutions, state and supervisory bodies, training and certification centers, accreditation bodies, companies developing and providing NDT equipment, service centers and NDT laboratories. It is a full member of European Federation for Non-Destructive testing (EFNDT), The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing (ICNDT), Asia Pacific Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (APFNDT). The main objective of RSNTTD is development and implementation of methods and techniques of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics with a view to improving the quality of industrial products, increasing the safety of production facilities, diagnosing and preventing environmental, terrorist and other types of emergencies.
RSNTTD is a non-profit public organization, which unites NDT and TD specialists, who represent the leading domestic and academic institutions, state and supervisory bodies, training and certification centers, accreditation bodies, companies developing and providing NDT equipment, service centers and NDT laboratories. It is a full member of European Federation for Non-Destructive testing (EFNDT), The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing (ICNDT), Asia Pacific Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (APFNDT). The main objective of RSNTTD is development and implementation of methods and techniques of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics with a view to improving the quality of industrial products, increasing the safety of production facilities, diagnosing and preventing environmental, terrorist and other types of emergencies.